Life has a way of taking us on unexpected journeys, even for someone as well-known as television personality Frank Fritz. Behind the scenes, Frank was battling personal demons that would lead him down a dark path. In this article, we delve into his heartbreaking story and the challenges he faced along the way.

A Love Lost

Frank Fritz’s longtime partner was Diann Bankson, and their relationship had its share of ups and downs. Unfortunately, their story would take a tragic turn. In 2018, they purchased an Iowa farmhouse and began building a life together. However, their romance came to a screeching halt when Bankson caught Fritz in bed with another woman. The betrayal was deeply painful for Frank, but he still harbored hopes of marrying her.

Coping with Heartbreak

To heal his broken heart, Frank turned to alcohol. It was his way of dealing with the pain and disappointment. The breakup took a toll on him both emotionally and physically, resulting in a significant weight loss. He openly admitted to drowning his sorrows in alcohol, but he eventually realized that he needed to make a change.

A Loss of Identity

Not only did Frank face heartbreak, but he also lost his job as the host of “American Pickers.” The History Channel decided not to renew his contract after March 2020. Frank cited health problems as the reason for his absence, specifically mentioning a back surgery that needed time to heal. He expressed a strong desire to return to the show and was waiting for the opportunity to do so.

A New Chapter

Bankson, on the other hand, moved on with her life and introduced her new partner, Eric Longlett, an engineering administration manager, through social media. While she found happiness in a new relationship, Frank Fritz was battling personal and health issues.

The Stroke and Rehabilitation

On July 4, 2022, tragedy struck Frank’s life yet again. He suffered a stroke and was found on the floor of his house by a friend. He was rushed to the hospital, and although his father reported that he was improving every day, his rehabilitation didn’t progress as expected. Frank eventually found himself under guardianship, confined to a nursing home.

Life under Guardianship

An acquaintance was appointed as Frank’s guardian, with his finances being managed by a bank as his conservator. The guardian is responsible for all payments related to Frank’s care, including daily expenses, health insurance, property taxes, and transportation to appointments and activities. They will also make decisions about Frank’s living situation, healthcare needs, and communication with family and potential romantic interests.

A Journey of Recovery

Frank’s condition is far worse than initially thought, as revealed in the court documents. He currently lacks the capacity to make important decisions about his financial affairs and is in need of ongoing support. The court deemed it necessary to appoint a guardian and conservator for his well-being and to prevent any immediate harm.

This heartbreaking story serves as a reminder of the challenges life throws our way. Our thoughts and well wishes go out to Frank Fritz as he navigates through these difficult times.

Please share this article with your loved ones to raise awareness and send positive thoughts for Frank’s recovery. Let’s support him during this challenging journey.