When it comes to our children, we can’t help but see them as the most beautiful beings on this planet. It’s natural for us, as loving parents, to have a slightly biased view. But there is one five-year-old from Nigeria who is garnering attention for her striking looks. Many have even dubbed her as the “most beautiful in the world”.

Photographer Mofe Bamuyiwai shared pictures of young Jare Ijalana on social media and the response was overwhelming. The images quickly went viral, with countless people commenting on Jare’s natural beauty. At the time of writing, these posts have gained over 70,000 likes on Instagram alone.

Bamuyiwai, who captured the essence of childhood and adulthood in the photos, explained her intention behind the shots. “I want to portray the interception between her childhood and adulthood so both stay timeless! I could have made her smile and make her laugh out loud, but I put her in their natural moments for us to see through their eyes!” she expressed.

Despite Jare not being a professional model, Bamuyiwai wanted to showcase her powerful potential through these photographs. She hopes that the images will speak to Jare when she reaches adulthood, reminding her of the beauty she possessed as a child.

It seems that Jare’s photogenic quality runs in the family as her older sisters, 7-year-old Jobi and 10-year-old Joba, have also been photographed by Bamuyiwai and have proved equally memorable. Bamuyiwai shared her thoughts on Jobi, stating, “Asides [sic] that [Jobi] is bright and beautiful, she is very coordinated and every pose directed. She did better than I told her to do. She definitely has buttressed and given me more proof that every little girl dreams of being a woman.”

Every child is beautiful in their own unique way and should be celebrated accordingly. However, it’s clear that Jare has a bright future ahead of her when it comes to being photographed.

What are your thoughts? Would you let your child pursue a career in modeling? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share this article on Facebook if you think Jare is beautiful!