Who doesn’t love some good old-fashioned wisdom passed down from our ancestors? Well, you’re in for a treat! The New York Public Library has dug up some amazing “how-to” cards that were once found in cigarette boxes over 100 years ago. These cards, created by Gallaher Cigarettes, a UK-based company, offer timeless advice that is still applicable in our modern lives. Thanks to Bored Panda for uncovering these gems!

Let’s take a look at 10 of these fascinating tips:

1. How To Cut Bread Into Thin Slices

Cutting bread into thin slices without a serrated knife can be a challenge, but Gallaher has a clever trick. Just plunge the knife into hot water and wipe it dry before slicing. This simple technique will make slicing bread a breeze!

2. How To Separate Glass Tumblers

We’ve all struggled with stuck-together glass tumblers at some point. But don’t worry, breaking them isn’t the solution. Gallaher suggests filling the top tumbler with cold water while submerging the bottom one in warm water. The temperature difference will cause them to separate with ease.

3. How To Extract A Splinter

Dealing with a stubborn splinter can be painful and frustrating. But Gallaher has a clever hack for that too! Fill a glass bottle almost to the top with hot water, then press the area with the splinter against the bottle’s mouth. The suction will pull on the skin, and the steam will help draw out the splinter. Genius!

4. How To Revive Cut Flowers

Don’t you hate it when your beautiful bouquet starts to wither? Fear not! Gallaher recommends plunging the stems of cut flowers into hot water and leaving them there until the water cools down. Then, trim the ends of the stems and place them into cool water. Your flowers will be rejuvenated!

5. How To Boil Potatoes

Are you tired of ending up with soggy potatoes when you boil them? Gallaher has a neat trick to make potatoes “dry and floury” when cooked. Just add a pinch of salt and sugar to the water while boiling. Once the potatoes are done, pour away the water and place the pot back over the heat for a short time, shaking it occasionally. Say goodbye to mushy potatoes!

6. How To Judge The Weather

Want to predict the weather with nothing more than a cloud? Here’s Gallaher’s advice. Start by observing a very distant cloud early in the morning. If the cloud gradually grows larger, then unsettled and rainy weather is likely on the way. But if the cloud decreases in size, get ready for a beautiful day ahead!

7. How To Fit A Large Candle

Ever struggled with a candle that’s too thick for your candlestick? Gallaher has a brilliant solution. Simply dip the end of the candle into a bowl of hot water until the wax softens. Then press the candle into the candlestick, and it will stay firmly in place. Problem solved!

8. How To Light A Match In The Wind

Lighting a match in windy conditions can be frustrating, but fear not! Gallaher has a nifty trick for a stronger and longer-lasting flame. Use a paring knife to cut some thin shavings towards the striking end of the match. These curled shavings will catch fire immediately, increasing the chances of the flame staying lit. No more struggling with matches in the wind!

9. How To Pick Up Broken Glass

Dealing with broken glass can be dangerous, but Gallaher has a safer way to handle it. Use a damp cloth to pick up the glass, as it will gather all the small splinters. And if you have an old rag lying around, you can simply throw it away with the broken glass when you’re done. Easy and safe!

10. How To Boil Cracked Eggs

You might think cracked eggs are a lost cause, but Gallaher has a solution to salvage them. Just add a little vinegar to the water when boiling cracked eggs. This will prevent the contents from seeping out, allowing you to enjoy perfectly boiled eggs.

These hundred-year-old tips and tricks are a delightful reminder that sometimes the simple solutions are the best. So next time you encounter a problem, channel your inner wisdom from the past and give these tried-and-true techniques a try. You might be pleasantly surprised by the results!